Confidently Report Climate Risk with TCFD

TCFD is quickly becoming the gold standard for climate financial disclosure. Get expert support to ensure your TCFD reporting is complete, accurate, and compelling.

What is TCFD?

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was created in 2015 to help the financial markets appropriately assess, analyze, and understand an organization’s climate-related risks and opportunities. In 2017 TCFD developed recommendations about what information organizations should include in their climate disclosures. TCFD recommends organizations disclose quantitative and qualitative information in 4 areas related to climate: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

Today, the TCFD recommendations have become one of the most widely used climate disclosure frameworks. More than 3,000 organizations support the TCFD and encourage its implementation. CDP reporting is built on the TCFD framework, and major global entities like the G20 and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation use TCFD as a basis for their climate disclosure requirements.

The foundation for government and financial climate disclosure

Stakeholders have coalesced around TCFD as the common basis for many of the world’s most-demanded climate disclosures. Investors, lenders, insurers and other financial services stakeholders in particular value the TCFD framework because it yields comparable and consistent disclosures that help them evaluate and price climate change-related financial risk across different companies. Developing high-quality TCFD reporting is increasingly critical in satisfying these stakeholders and delivering positive outcomes from those relationships. Internally, TCFD can also be a useful management tool for companies to evaluate their climate-related financial risks as part of strategic planning.

In addition, TCFD is shaping up to be the common framework underlying many of the governmental climate disclosure regulations in development around the world. The climate disclosure rules under proposal or in effect by the U.S. SEC and regulatory agencies in the EU, UK, Japan, Singapore, Canada, Australia, and others all build on the TCFD framework. Companies that develop a strong TCFD reporting capability now will be well-positioned when government-mandated disclosure requirements go into effect and reporting becomes a compliance and legal concern.

We support your TCFD reporting end-to-end

Completing the TCFD recommendations – calculating financial risks, explaining mitigation plans, providing quantitative and qualitative data – can be confusing and onerous. With the rising focus on TCFD among financial stakeholders and government regulators, getting reporting right is all the more important.

Our team includes climate risk and reporting experts who know the full details of the TCFD framework. Collectively, our sustainability consultants have supported hundreds of TCFD-aligned reports for companies across sectors and industries. They help you understand the requirements and what it takes to deliver a high-quality TCFD report.

Our TCFD Reporting services include:

  • Education and capacity-building to understand TCFD principles and mechanics
  • Assessment of your TCFD-aligned disclosure readiness
  • Benchmarking to industry peer disclosures and best practices
  • Guidance on core TCFD pillars: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics
  • Reporting preparation in alignment with TCFD recommendations